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Payment by instalments or invoice available.

25% discount for 18-28 year-olds.

-10% discount for over 64s.

  • Full program
    Clinic 2'150 CHF Capsule Treatment not available in capsule.

Price list indicative and valid as of September 1, 2024.

Discounts subject to conditions, cannot be combined with other offers or subscriptions.

Payment in instalments in collaboration with Swissbilling, subject to their approval and available in clinics only.

Further information

Any medical treatment requires prior consultation. A personalized quotation can be drawn up at the end of this consultation.

The passage of time, exposure to the sun and external aggressors (tobacco, pollution, etc.) all contribute to the aging of our skin. Clinique Matignon offers a preventive treatment to care for your skin’s quality.

Together, we plan 9 appointments over 4 to 6 months.

If you’ve never had cosmetic medical treatment or have favored injections alone, and are looking for a refreshing change with non-invasive procedures, this program is for you. Optimize your youthfulness and enjoy stress-free pleasure.


This anti-aging treatment consists of a cycle of 3 facial photorejuvenation sessions using high-intensity pulsed light, alternating with 3 mesotherapy sessions for deep hydration and 3 microneedling sessions for stimulation.

The combination of these procedures provides your skin with the three elements essential to its health: hydration of the superficial dermis, antioxidant action and collagen stimulation.


From the second session, you’ll notice an overall improvement in your complexion.

At the end of the 9-session cycle, you’ll be able to appreciate the remarkable effectiveness of this program: your skin will be radiant and rejuvenated, with improved tone and smoother texture; it will have regained its radiance.

The entire aging process will be slowed down.

A great gift for you and for the future of your face!


The treatment includes:
– 3 photorejuvenation sessions of 45 minutes
– 3 mesotherapy sessions for face and neck of 30 minutes
– 3 microneedling sessions of 15 minutes

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