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Payment by instalments or invoice available.

25% discount for 18-28 year-olds.

-10% discount for over 64s.

  • Hands
    Clinic 300 CHF / session Capsule 145 CHF / session

Price list indicative and valid as of September 1, 2024.

Discounts subject to conditions, cannot be combined with other offers or subscriptions.

Payment in instalments in collaboration with Swissbilling, subject to their approval and available in clinics only.

Further information

Originally used for strictly medical purposes, mesotherapy is now used for aesthetic purposes. It aims to revitalize, moisturize and fill in fine lines. A blend of antioxidant vitamins, trace elements and hyaluronic acid is applied to the chosen area.

In a way, mesotherapy consists of placing the active anti-aging ingredients contained in your creams directly into the dermis.


Using a special cannula, a mixture of fluid hyaluronic acid and antioxidant vitamins is deposited by multiple tingling movements over the entire treatment area.


Skin is rehydrated and regains its firmness and radiance. The antioxidant effect of vitamins is interesting in the long term for the prevention of skin ageing if sessions are carried out regularly. Occasionally, small papules and a few hematomas may appear for a short period (2 to 3 days).


After a thorough cleaning of the hands, the technician will proceed with the micro-injections.
This technique of mesotherapy hyaluronic acid injections restores and moisturizes the skin, improving elasticity and tone while reducing roughness and treating fine lines. The back of the hands is treated in 3 sessions at 15-day intervals, followed by a maintenance session every four months. Sessions last 15 to 30 minutes.

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