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Prices on quotation only

Price list indicative and valid as of September 1, 2024.

Discounts subject to conditions, cannot be combined with other offers or subscriptions.

Payment in instalments in collaboration with Swissbilling, subject to their approval and available in clinics only.

Further information

Any medical treatment requires prior consultation. A personalized quotation can be drawn up at the end of this consultation.

SILHOUETTE SOFT tensor threads are an effective technique for treating sagging facial skin.


These absorbable sutures act as traction vectors, and are applied under local anaesthetic for immediate results.



It is therefore a technique for repositioning tissue without increasing volume.



They can stand alone or be combined with traditional aesthetic medicine treatments such as injections or stimulation techniques (thermage/ultherapy).


Before deciding to fit them, it is essential to examine the face and listen carefully to each patient’s expectations.
This is the time to confirm that this technique, alone or in combination with others, is the right treatment for you.

Your specialist will take the time to explain to you, by simulation, the number and routes of the wires required, and your quotation will be drawn up.

On the day of treatment, the painless procedure is carried out under local anaesthetic with the usual aseptic precautions.
no incision is needed to install them under the skin, just needle holes to slide them into position.


Effectiveness is immediately visible. The mechanical tightening effect is immediate and is maintained thanks to the small cones on SILHOUETTE SOFT threads.
The cheekbone will be lifted, nasolabial folds smoothed out and the oval reshaped.

Sutures are fully resorbable in 6 to 9 months, but their action lasts up to 12 to 18 months thanks to the collagen stimulation induced along the suture path.

Potential side effects are the same as for injections, i.e. edema and hematoma are possible.
However, there is no social exclusion, so you can resume your activities the next day.

Finally, you will be offered a clinical follow-up one week after fitting.


The treatment, performed by a specialist, lasts around 1.5 hours.

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