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Payment by instalments or invoice available.

25% discount for 18-28 year-olds.

-10% discount for over 64s.

  • Face
    Clinic 620 CHF / session Capsule Treatment not available in capsule.
  • Décolleté
    Clinic 620 CHF / session Capsule Treatment not available in capsule.
  • Small zone
    Clinic 320 CHF / session Capsule Treatment not available in capsule.

Price list indicative and valid as of September 1, 2024.

Discounts subject to conditions, cannot be combined with other offers or subscriptions.

Payment in instalments in collaboration with Swissbilling, subject to their approval and available in clinics only.

Further information

Any medical treatment requires prior consultation. A personalized quotation can be drawn up at the end of this consultation.

Couperose is a dilatation of small blood vessels, reflecting capillary fragility. It occurs on the sides of the nose, the cheeks and sometimes on the chin.


KTP lasers have revolutionized the aesthetic treatment of rosacea. The laser used produces a very intense green light. The green color is complementary to the red color of blood cells. When the globule is illuminated by the laser, its energy is absorbed; this will ultimately cause very rapid coagulation in the vessel – selective photo-coagulation (coagulation by light without affecting other tissues). The capillaries will be eliminated within a few days.


Redness appears very briefly (a few hours), sometimes associated with swelling for 2 days.


In a single session, the KTP laser significantly removes most couperose vessels. In the case of severe damage, a 2nd session is sometimes suggested.

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